The League of Women Voters of Rye,Rye Brook & Port Chester is a

Nonpartisan political organization that 
Promotes political responsibility
Through the informed and active
Participation of citizens in government.
Our mission is to foster better
Understanding of policy issues that
Impact our lives and our communities.

Getting out the Vote with Debbie Reisner

League President is interviewed for the Rye Record by
 Margot Clark-Junkins
 in the October 27th Rye Record. Please click here for the interview.

League Video Policy

  1. The Forum is owned and sponsored by the League of Women Voters, Rye, Rye Brook, Port Chester
  2. Only those authorized by the League may tape any Forum; any use of tapes requires the advanced approval of the League
  3. Anyone who is permitted to tape a forum is authorized to air it only in its entirety; only licensed media, including TV, radio and newspapers, are entitled by FCC regulations to air portions of the Forum.
  4. No candidate is permitted to edit footage for campaign purposes
  5. The League will post the Forum, in its entirety, on the League media and authorize other local chapters to post on their websites

Moderator's Responsibility

It is the moderator's responsibility to prohibit unauthorized taping. He/she will announce at the beginning of the Forum that:
  • Cell phones should be turned off as a matter of courtesy and unauthorized videos are not permitted
  • The league owns the Forum, and only those permitted by the League may tape--and even those must air the Forum in its entirety, because the FCC requires that a debate must not be edited and must be broadcast in its entirety, either live or reasonable soon after it takes place
  • If a person is observed to be taping, the moderator will pause the Forum and ask the person to stop
  • The moderator will not resume the forum until the person stops taping
  • the moderator will terminate the Forum if the person does not stop or leave

Officers & Directors 2015-16

President- Debbie Reisner   Rye

Co-COO Voter Services- Peter Larr
Co-COO Voter Services- Rick Buzzin

Co-COO Student Outreach- Joan Feinstein

Co-COO Member Relations- Roz Carviin
Co-COO Member Relations- Liz Rotfield

Co-COO Technology-

Treasurer- Paula Gamache
Secretary- Roz Larr

Board of Directors:
Patricia Rinello
Tom Kissner- Newsletter

Off Board:
Steve Meyers- Membership/Publicity/Finance
Howard Zim- Facebook & Video
Chris Nicholson- Students Inside Albany
Barbara Brunner- Naturalization Chair
 Webmaster- open position

Our Mission

To encourage the informed and active participation of people in our
government, regardless of party affiliation, and to increase understanding of policy issues that will impact our lives and our communities.

The fashion in which we interpret this directive and the model we have adopted to put those ideals into action makes us somewhat unique among Leagues in this nation. 

Our program is particularly dedicated to voter education and civic engagement.  We do not advocate.  In other words, we are passionate about people understanding the issues and the candidates for whom they are being asked to vote.  But we interpret non-partisan as meaning we do not pick sides. The Board of our organization and indeed our membership consists of Democrats, Republicans, Progressives and Conservatives, Independence Party members and Independents.
We can debate issues vigorously but when it comes to running this League, we check our views at the door and work together to illuminate the issues, to engage our youth and make sure candidates for public office have a fair and even playing field from which to present themselves and their views to the community.
When our League identifies issues of vital public concern but we believe it is not well understood and in need of discussion, we seek out the most credible experts we can find from as broad an array of perspectives as possible to present and discuss. This year, both issue forums we sponsored were adopted as models and emulated by other Leagues across the state.
We are convinced that it is the inclusive nature of our approach that is enabling us to buck the national trends and grow steadily for the past five years. It infuses a sense of relevance and an excitement to the activities of the group. It certainly makes it fun and rewarding.

It is the diversity of views, perspectives and the stew made possible by contributions from a wide range of members that has created the relevant, exciting and vital organization that this little League of Women Voters--Rye, Rye Brook & Port Chester has become.


The name of this organization shall be The League ofWomen Voters - Rye, Rye Brook & Port Chester, hereinafter referred to in these bylaws as LWVRRP or as the League. This local League is an integral part of the League of Women Voters of the United States, hereinafter referred to in these bylaws as LWVUS, and of the League of Women Voters of New York State, hereinafter referred to as LWVNYS.

Purposes and Policy
Sec. 1. Purposes. The purposes of the LWVRRP shall be to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government.
Sec. 2. Political Policy. The League shall not support or oppose any political party or any candidate.

Sec. 1. Eligibility. Any person who subscribes to the purposes and policy of the League of Women Voters shall be eligible for membership.
Sec. 2. Types of Membership.
2a. Voting Members. Citizens at least 18 years of age.
2b. Associate Members. All others who join the League shall be Associate Members.

All members, both Voting and Associate, shall have full rights of membership including but not limited to the right to serve as Officers, Directors and Team Captains, as well as the right to vote at all meetings of the LWVRRP, including but not limited to the Annual Meeting, general membership meetings, board meetings, committee meetings, executive committee meetings, teams and consensus meetings.

Sec. 1. Election, Qualifications and Term. The officers of the LWVRRP shall be a President, a Vice- President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. They shall be Voting or Associate Members of the League and shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors have been elected or appointed and qualified. The President and the Secretary shall be elected in the even-numbered years. The Vice-President and the Treasurer shall be elected in the odd-numbered years.
Sec. 2. The President. The President shall have such powers of supervision and management as customarily pertain to the office; shall preside at all meetings of the organization and the Board or designate another person to do so; shall be, ex officio, a member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; shall sign or endorse checks, drafts and notes jointly with the Treasurer; and shall perform such other duties as the Board may direct. Only the President may sign and execute contracts, agreements or other obligations in the name of the LWVRRP. In the event of the absence, disability, resignation or death of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the office. If no Vice-President is able to serve as President, the board shall fill the vacancy from among the elected Directors. The President, in cooperation with the board, shall appoint the committee chairs including team captains and all special committee chairs, except those for which other provision is made; fill vacancies in chairs of all committees, except those for which other provision is made. The President shall keep a current copy of the LWVRPC Bylaws and Nonpartisan Policies & Procedures in the Board Book.
Sec. 3. The Vice-President. The Vice-President shall perform such duties as the President and Board shall direct.
Sec. 4. The Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings of the Board and meetings of the membership including the Annual Meeting or designate another person to do so. The Secretary shall notify all Officers and Directors of their election and shall perform such other duties as the President and the Board shall direct. The Secretary shall prepare a copy of the minutes and present such for adoption at the next meeting or within four (4) months whichever is sooner.
Sec. 5. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall perform such duties as customarily pertain to the office including collect and receive all moneys due; sign and endorse checks, contracts and notes jointly with the President; serve as the custodian of these moneys and, at the direction of the Board, open, close and maintain deposits in authorized financial institutions; arrange for an annual audit of the books; and shall perform such duties as the Board shall direct. The Treasurer shall prepare statements for the Board at its regular meetings or designate another person to do so and shall present an annual report to the Annual Meeting.

Board of Directors
Sec. 1. Selection, Qualifications and Term. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of the LWVRRP and not more than four Directors elected by the membership at the Annual Meeting; and not more than four Directors appointed by the elected members of the Board. The number of appointed Directors shall not exceed the number of elected Directors. All Directors shall be members. They shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors have been elected or appointed and qualified. Vacancies other than the presidency may be filled by vote of the remaining members of the Board.
Sec. 2. Powers. The Board shall manage and supervise the business, affairs, and activities of the LWVRRP, subject to the instructions of the Annual Meeting. It shall select delegates to state convention and council and to national convention. It shall accept responsibility for such other matters as the National or New York State Board may from time to time delegate to it. It shall have the power to create such special committees as it deems necessary and shall perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws.
Sec. 3. Executive Committee. The Board may appoint an executive committee consisting of no fewer than four (4) members of the board; one of which shall be the President. An executive committee shall exercise such power and authority as may be delegated to it by the Board and shall report to the Board on all actions taken by it between regular meetings of the Board.
Sec. 4. Creating Committees. The Board may create such standing committees and such special committees as it deems necessary to promote the objects and to carry on the work of the LWVRRP.
Sec. 5. Meetings. At least four (4) regular meetings of the Board shall be held annually. At least ten (10) days notice shall be given. The President may call special meetings and shall call a special meeting upon the written request of four (4) members of the Board. At least two (2) days notice shall be given, however the meeting can be held sooner if approved by a majority of the Board. Three (3) consecutive absences from regular board meetings without excuse shall constitute a resignation. If minutes are not approved by the board within three (3) months, then a majority of attendees at such meeting may approve such minutes via emails sent to the Secretary and President.
Sec. 6. Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board of Directors of the LWVRRP shall constitute a quorum. Any one or more members of the Board may participate in a meeting by means of conference telephone or other equipment allowing all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other at the same time. Participation by such means shall constitute presence in person at a meeting.

Sec. 1. Membership Meetings. There shall be at least one (1) meeting of the membership each year. The time and place shall be determined by the Board. Special meetings of the members may be called by the President, the Board of Directors or upon written request of ten percent (10%) of the voting members and associate members.
Sec. 2. Annual Meeting. An Annual Meeting shall be held during the fiscal year, the exact date to be determined by the board. The Annual Meeting shall elect officers and directors, the chair of the Nominating Committee, adopt a budget and transact such other business as may properly come before it. Absentee or proxy voting shall be permitted. Minutes shall be circulated to the membership within four (4) months of the Annual Meeting. A majority of attendees at such meeting may approve such minutes via email sent to the Secretary and the President.
Sec. 3. Quorum . Approval of such matters as may come before the members at the Annual Meeting shall be by a majority of members and associate members in attendance or by proxy. Ten (10) members shall constitute a quorum.

Nominations and Elections
Sec. 1a. Selection, Qualifications and Term. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of the
LWVRRP and not more than eight Directors elected by the membership at the Annual Meeting. All Directors shall be members. They shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors have been elected and qualified. Vacancies, other than the presidency, may be filled by vote of the remaining members of the Board. Such appointed Directors shall serve until the next Annual Meeting. The number of appointed Directors shall not exceed the number of elected Directors.
Sec. 1b. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of between three (3) and five (5)members, at least one of whom  shall be a  member of the Board of Directors and one (1), who shall be a member of the LWVRRP but not a member of the Board of Directors. The members of the Nominating Committee  shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. Nominations for this office shall be made by the current Nominating Committee, or, in the absence of a Nominating Committee, nomination shall be made by the President in consultation with the Board of Directors. The Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President. Any vacancy on the Nominating Committee shall be filled by the President in consultation with the Board of Directors. Suggestions for nominations for Officers and Directors may be sent to this Committee by any member.
Sec. 2. Report of the Nominating Committee. The report of the Nominating Committee of its nominations for Officers and Directors and the members of the succeeding Nominating Committee shall be sent to all members one month before the date of the Annual Meeting. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be presented to the Annual Meeting. Immediately following the presentation of this report, nominations may be made from the floor by any member provided the consent of the nominee has been obtained.
Sec. 3. Election. The election shall be by ballot, provided that when there is but one (1) nominee for office, it shall be by voice vote. A majority vote of those qualified to vote including proxies shall constitute an election.
Sec. 4. Resignations. An officer or director wishing to resign must submit a written letter of resignation to the President which does not become effective until that resignation is accepted by the President either verbally or in writing.

Financial Administration
Sec. 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the LWVRRP shall commence on the first of January each year.
Sec. 2. Dues. Annual dues shall be payable on a calendar year basis. Any member who fails to pay dues within three months after they become payable shall be dropped from the membership roll.
Sec. 3. Budget Committee. The budget shall be prepared by a committee that shall be appointed for that purpose at least four (4) months before the Annual Meeting. The treasurer shall be chair of the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee shall present a proposed budget to the board at least two (2) months in advance of the Annual Meeting. The board shall consider the proposed budget and recommend a budget, which shall be sent to the members at least one month before the annual meeting.
Sec. 4. Distribution of Funds on Dissolution. In the event of the dissolution of the LWVRRP, all moneys and securities which may at the time be owned by or under the control of the LWVRRP shall be paid to the LWVNYS after the state and national per member payments and other obligations have been met. All other property of whatsoever nature, whether real, personal, or mixed that may at the time be owned or under the control of the LWVRRP shall be disposed of to such person, organization, or corporation for such public, charitable or educational use and purposes as the Board in its absolute discretion may designate.

Statement of Intent Regarding Advocacy.
Consistent with the principle of being politically non-biased, it is the intent and practice of LWVRRPC that it will not actively advocate issues in the normal course of its activities. However, the LWVRRPC is not prohibited from doing so. In the event of a circumstance when such issues arise, two-thirds of the Board has the authority to approve an advocacy position, while recognizing the intent of the chapter in this regard.

Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and not inconsistent with these bylaws.

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Voting and Associate members at the Annual Meeting, provided that the proposed amendments were submitted to the membership in writing at least one month in advance of the meeting.

Any proposed amendment to the bylaws may be submitted upon not less than 10 days notice to the membership if approved by a two thirds majority of the Board of Directors.

Adopted June 2010, Amended (date), Amended (June 2011)

"The League shall not support or oppose any political party or any candidate."

- Article II, Sec. 2, LWVUS Bylaws

LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS - Rye, Rye Brook & Port Chester

Non Partisan Policy & Procedures

It is clear from the above bylaw of the national League that a League may not support or oppose any political party, any candidate for elective office, any office holder or any group which supports candidates. It is the responsibility of each local League Board to formulate and adopt its own nonpartisan policy which conforms to this bylaw, and to determine the limitations to be placed on Board members' activities to maintain the League's nonpartisanship. Each year the Board should review its own policy and, if necessary, adapt the policy to suit the particular needs of the time and community. Even if no changes are necessary, the review is important, both to educate board members and to clarify areas which might otherwise cause confusion later in the year. The Board should discuss its nonpartisan policy at the first board meeting after the Annual Meeting. League Basics (In League): (LWVUS) is a helpful reference. During their discussion Board members should keep in mind the following:

- The League's credibility as an effective political organization in the community
- The sensitivity of specific Board portfolios (i.e., president, voters service, etc.)
- The extent to which the public identifies a Board member's activities with those of the League
- The political climate and traditions in the community
- The visibility associated with specific political activities
- The possible effects on neighboring Leagues who share the same officials
- The possible effects on the ability of League lobbyists at any level to function effectively

According to State League Policy, “Purpose of League's nonpartisan policy…toward candidates and political parties is critical to the effectiveness of the League's unique voters (sic.) service/citizen information work. It also provides a strong foundation for the work done in support of issues. Action on legislation and ballot proposals is more effective when the public and the legislators believe that the League's conclusions are based on merit rather than politics.”

It is the position of the State League that as long as the League does not endorse candidates or political parties it is nonpartisan. However, it is the position of the LWVRRP that it will focus on its voters (sic.) service/citizen information work exclusively until such time as the Board reaches consensus on issues it has chosen for study, consensus and action or as specified in the bylaws, “…two-thirds majority of the Board.”

Nonpartisan Policy

The League of Women Voters of Rye, Rye Brook & Port Chester (LWVRRP) is a nonpartisan political organization, which promotes political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government. The LWVRRP is nonpartisan in that it does not support or oppose any political party or candidate for public office. While the LWVRRP urges its members to be politically active, it is the Board's responsibility to maintain the nonpartisanship of the organization. Accordingly, the Board of Directors of the LWVRRBPC has established the following guidelines.

Board of Directors

The extent to which Board members may participate in partisan activity shall be determined by the following:
1. Elected Office:
A Board member may serve on Village and other governmental appointed Boards and Councils. A Board member may not hold any elected office in local, county, state, or federal government.
2. Candidacy:
A Board member who has accepted a nomination for and/or is a candidate for elected office, as set forth in Section 1, shall take a leave of absence from the Board. An unsuccessful candidate’s leave of absence from the Board will end immediately after certification of the election.
3. Campaigns & Political Activities:
3a. When a board member undertakes to campaign for a candidate, the board member will notify the Board orally of his/her intention at the earliest opportunity.  At that point the Board member will recuse him/herself from all issues and activities involving potential conflicts of interest until after the election is decided.  The Board member will remain eligible to participate in any activities except those which are construed by a majority of the Board to constitute a conflict.  Any such situation should be brought to the Board which may, at its discretion, allow an exception.
3b. A Board member may hold positions in a partisan political party, political club or community action group that nominates candidates for public office provided the majority of the Board determines that real or perceived non-partisan commitment of the LWVRRBPC is not compromised.  Such Board member must give prompt notice to the Board of any such activities.  Said Board member will recuse him/herself from all issues or activities involving potential conflicts of interest.  If a majority of the Board concludes a potential real or perceived compromise of the LWVRBPC non-partisan commitment exists, the Board may ask for the member’s resignation or grant the member a leave of absence until such time as the partisan activity is concluded and the election in question has been decided.
3c. Any Board member, except the President(s), Voter Service Chair and Candidates Forum Chair(s), may serve on a nonpartisan nominating committee.
3d. A Board member may not participate as a candidate or serve on any nonpartisan or other local (Village or County) campaign committee, or participate in local campaign activities, including making financial contributions in such a way as to publicly identify a chapter Board member with a local political candidate.  Any such situation should be brought to the Board which may, at its discretion, allow an exception.
3e. A Board member may not participate in published letters to the editor, email or online discussions that support or oppose a political candidate running for election in Rye, Rye Brook or Port Chester.
3f. Board members shall not participate in campaigns for individuals or contribute thereto financially in such a way as to publicly identify the LWVRRP with candidates, at any level of government.
3g. Campaigning for specific candidates shall not take place at LWVRRP meetings.
4. Other: A Board member, except the President(s), Vice-President(s), Voters Service Chair(s) and Candidates Forum Chair(s), may serve as an Inspector of Elections.
5. General:
5a. A Board member should inform the Board whenever she/he chooses a visible participation in political activities.
5b. The partisan political activities of a spouse or relative of a Board member are considered separate from the activities of that Board member.

Candidates’ Forums

Educating voters in a nonpartisan manner about candidates’ views on issues and stimulating voter interest and participation in elections is a principal goal of the LWVRRP. The LWVRRP maintains its nonpartisan role by adhering to the following:

1a. At its discretion, the LWVRRP can produce Voter’s Guides whenever more than one candidate for public office is on the ballot.
1b. At its discretion, the LWVRRP can disseminate information on particular issues.
2. The LWVRRP encourages all candidates for public office to qualify for and be on the ballot. The LWVRRP shall plan and offer a Candidates’ Forum prior to such election in such form or manner as the Board shall determine. A write-in candidate may participate in a LWVRRP Candidates’ Forum when all of the following conditions are met:
2a. The candidate has made a public announcement of her/his candidacy at least 28 days prior to the date of the election.
2b. The candidate meets the requirements to hold the office according to the New York State Constitution and the Constitution of the United States.
2c. The candidate meets the requirements to be on the ballot according to New York State election laws.
2d. The candidate has demonstrated significant voter interest and support in her/his candidacy by (i) making campaign speeches, distributing literature, issuing press releases, maintaining a campaign committee, and establishing campaign headquarters, or (ii) producing evidence of a show of support in the amount of 100 signatures.
3. The following policies govern a Candidates’ Forum held by LWVRRP:
When more than one candidate for a state, county or local office is on the ballot and an invited candidate for state, county or local office does not respond or accept an invitation to the LWVRRP Candidates’ Forum, or when a candidate accepts but does not appear at the forum, the candidate(s) present at the forum may participate. The moderator will be permitted to announce that the absent person(s) is a candidate for that office. No substitutes will be permitted to take the place of a candidate. Opening and closing statements of the absent candidate’s views may be read by the moderator.

Conflict of Interest Policy

It may be necessary for a LWVRRP Board member, engaged in political activities that are permissible according to these policies, to recuse her/himself from appropriate Board discussions and Voters Service programs.

LWVRRP Board members shall not speak for the LWVRRP unless authorized by the Board or President(s). The President(s) should not express public opinions inconsistent with LWVRRP positions. When expressing public opinions inconsistent with LWVRRP positions, board members should identify themselves as individuals or speaking for another organization and should inform the President(s)of this.

LWVRRPC Board members may serve simultaneously as officers of a civic club board that engages in partisan activity.  Any situation that presents a real or perceived conflict, as described above should be brought to the Board.  The Board member will recuse him/herself from all issues or activities involving potential conflicts of interest.  If a majority of the Board concludes a potential real or perceived compromise of the LWVRRPC’s non-partisan commitment exists, the Board may ask for the member’s resignation or grant the member a leave of absence until such time as the partisan activity is concluded and the election in question has been decided.

Community Relations Policies

LWVRRP practices, and thereby affirms, its belief and commitment to diversity and pluralism.

We encourage membership and participation in the activities of the LWVRRP without regard to gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability. The LWVRRP encourages non-citizens to become Associate members.

The following policies also govern the community relations of the LWVRRP:
1. When the LWVRRP co-sponsors a meeting, it must be involved in the planning from its inception. The LWVRRP must adhere to the National and State League of Women Voters guidelines when joining a coalition. Notice of this policy shall be sent to the other co-sponsor(s).
2. Only LWV-sponsored petitions shall be circulated during LWVRRP meetings. Members may not offer or authorize material for distribution at LWVRRP meetings by other organizations or individuals without the prior consent of the President(s). Non-LWV material may be displayed or sold at LWVRRP functions only when authorized by the Board or President(s).
3. Membership lists are not for distribution and may not be used for other than LWV purposes unless the Board approves a specific request.
4. At least two LWVRRP members shall be present during LWVRRP conducted interviews (e.g. with public officials), and interviews may be taped.


1. Board Meetings: Board meetings are open only to LWVRRP members and invited guests. Board members should attend all Board meetings. Off-board Directors may participate in discussions, but may not vote at Board meetings.
2. Meetings - Consensus: At consensus meetings, non-members may be present for the factual presentation but may not remain for the consensus discussion. Members of other Leagues may attend but may not participate in consensus discussions unless held jointly with their Leagues.
3.  Communications: All official statements of the LWVRRP must be approved by the President or by the Board at a board meeting or by email.  Special meetings may be called to accomplish this.  All official letters of the LWVRRP should be approved and signed by the President(s) or his/her specific designee.  All LWVRRP publicity shall be managed by the Publicity Chair or individual(s) otherwise designated by the President after such publicity is approved by the President the Publicity Chair.  A person shall be considered a special designee when the President notifies this person by email or in writing and copies the chapter Secretary that the President is authorizing the designee to act for this specific purpose.  This designation shall be reported to the Board by the President or the Secretary at the next board meeting and shall be entered into the minutes.
4. Action Alerts: In the absence of a LWVRRP local position, it is in the discretion of the LWVUS Board or the officers to implement an action alert from another level of LWV.
5. Board Book: The Secretary shall maintain an up-to-date Board Book which shall contain the following items: The Bylaws; Non-Partisan Policies & Procedures, Organizational Chart; Roster of Officers and Directors with their contact information; details identifying and relating to all bank accounts, bank relationships, Pay Pal accounts, Post Office boxes, LWVRRP web sites and Facebook pages, e-mail addresses and similar League-specific information.
6. Resignations: When a Board member takes a leave of absence to become a candidate for elected public office or for any other reason, he or she must submit a written letter to the President which does not become effective until it is accepted by the President either verbally or in writing; whereupon the President or Publicity Chair shall issue a press release announcing this change. If the Board member is elected, the leave of absence will convert to a resignation from the Board.
7. Weather Cancellations: When LWVRRP membership and/or Board meetings are scheduled on a day when any one of the Rye, Rye Neck, Blind Brook or Port Chester public schools are closed for a snow day or have a delayed opening, such meetings will be postponed unless members are otherwise notified.

Financial Procedures
1. Expenses:
1a. All bills included in the budget shall be approved by the Board member responsible and accompanied by vouchers before being paid by the Treasurer.
1b. All expenditures under $50 not included in the budget must be brought to the Treasurer
and President(s) for approval; all expenditures over $50 not included in the budget must be brought to the Board; all expenditures beyond $50 in the budget under the “Program line item” must be brought to the Board for approval.
1c. Prior to undertaking a bulk mailing, a Board member must inform the President and Treasurer.

Historical Documents