Welcome to our Vote 18 Page

On Saturday, January 22nd our League sponsored a Workshop at the Rye Free Reading Room Community Room in which Julianne Ross assisted by her partner Aaron Joseph Kleinmann trained about a dozen League members and community leaders to teach Vote 18.

What is Vote 18?

A fun, interactive 45-minute program that helps new and prospective voters understand the value of their vote, encourages them to register, go to the polls and get involved in their communities. Vote 18 takes the form of a fun, fast-paced interactive game. It covers the history of voting, explains how that is relevant to the lives we are living today. 

What makes Vote 18 so effective is the interactive teaching style and role-playing technique. During one class period the leader leads the students through the history of voting, graphically illustrating voting laws and history. Through the dynamics of exclusion, mock elections, group interaction and rewards students experience the economic and social impacts of voting. Vote 18 makes voting personal. Instead of telling students to vote they become active participants in the democratic process and teach each other WHY they should vote. 

Our League will be delighted to send a team of instructors to your school or community organization to present the program. Please contact us to arrange.

The Vote 18 workshop held on January 12 was a success. Here's what Julie Famularo, one participant, had to say. "thank you for hosting the Vote 18 Event this past Sunday. I loved it, and I look forward to introducing it into our local high school. I also wanted to mention how much I admire the work by your chapter of LWV. I am continually impressed by the programs and events you offer in furtherance of voter engagement and participation. It is such important work--I am glad you persist! thank you again for hosting this valuable event...."
For more information on Vote18 see our dedicated web page.